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The future of clinical and functional evaluations

The future of clinical and functional evaluations, with instant reports to allow objective monitoring of patient progress.

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Gait & Balance

Spatial-temporal parameters and dynamic pelvic analysis during walking and balancing.


  • Walk

  • Balance

  • Timed Up and Go

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Range of Motion

Accurate, hands-free analysis of joint range of motion in all three planes with biofeedback.


  • Cervical

  • Shoulder

  • Trunk

  • Free Angles

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Return to Play

Objective measurements for performance screening and monitoring rehabilitation progress.


  • Jump

  • Power-Force-Velocity

  • Profile

  • Balance

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Interactive support during cognitive assessment and rehabilitation via intuitive games.


  • Attention

  • Memory

  • Cognitive Function

  • Perception

Patient preparation is quick and easy. In just 15 seconds you are ready to start the examination using the baiobit wrist, waist or head straps, allowing complete freedom of movement for the tests and exercises.


A digital assistant always by your side, baiobit guides the clinician through every step of the rehabilitation process. The sensor transmits all data via Bluetooth to your PC in a user-friendly software interface.


baiobit evaluates the dynamic movement of the pelvis in all three planes; tilt, obliquity and rotation, providing the range of motion, maximum and minimum pelvic angles, alongside the normative ranges.


Outcome measures are invaluable in clinical practice and the baiobit compare feature allows you to re-test and objectively track all changes over time in clear, visual graphs. Patients love to see their progress!


The standard baiobit package includes the 3 motor applications; the cognitive application is an optional extra.

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Don't just take our word...

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“baiobit helps our case managers and solicitors to better understand patient progress. They want to be able to quantify improvements and the system enables us to objectify a wide range of clinical measures. I particularly like the ability to dynamically assess the pelvis in all three planes.


Previously, some of our assessments like single leg balance were very hard to objectify. Now we use baiobit to provide accurate, measurable data and visually show the patient their data live on the screen. They can see themselves in the digital mirror and observe their own movement, which is fantastic for visual proprioception and makes a huge difference.


Following the baiobit examination, our expert therapists create tailored exercises to improve patient stability, reducing the risk of falls and enhancing their overall wellbeing.


I really enjoy using baiobit, it fits in with my model and works with what I do on a day to day basis. With any technology, the clinical need is the most important thing. Baiobit has a clear clinical need and I am a big fan of it!”

Ranjith Mahamani

Lead Neuro Physiotherapist, Consult Physio: Neuro & Sports Physiotherapy Clinic

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"baiobit has become an integral part of our Biomechanics teaching module, enabling our students to collect a vast amount of accurate, objective data in the classroom. The instant reports and ability to graphically track changes over time are fantastic when assessing outcomes and progress. The system has also been a popular tool for our final year students research projects."

Chris Steele

Sport & Exercise Science Course Director, West Suffolk College

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“We use baiobit in the functional assessments of our clients as part of their gait and movement analysis. This piece of kit allows us to record joint ranges and positions through function including the neck, shoulder, spine and pelvis. It also allows us to record gait parameters, jump power and so much more! These screening protocols are used to guide patient treatment, rehabilitation and prescribe an exercise programme.”

Sarah Stewart

Physiotherapist, Coactive Physio

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"I purchased baiobit to add to my existing gait/biomechanics set-up. I have found it to be a really simple piece of equipment to use which adds to the physical data I can collect to diagnose a biomechanics patient. Giving a number of basic gait parameters such as step count, cadence and the quality of the patient's gait cycle for left and right, together with what the pelvis does in tri-planar motion, the software provides clear, visual feedback to patients and informs the next stage of their treatment. As part of the biomechanics process, I have also found it really helpful in demonstrating to the patient how their footwear or orthotic intervention affects their basic movement and balance. This really augments any findings made with the Footscan pressure plate, which we use routinely here. Another nice feature of baiobit is its mobility, so I am not just restricted to my gait lab and can incorporate it into the narrow confines of a Podiatry room. Footwear choices are often critical for older patients for their foot health and mobility, and baiobit is a quick way of demonstrating and refining this to give them confidence in making lifestyle changes."

Dr Suzanne Clipson

MSK Podiatrist, Dereham Podiatry Practice

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Tom Evans

Ultra Trail World Tour Champion

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Natasha Cockram

British Marathon Champion

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Tom Bosworth

Race Walking World Record Holder

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Rose Harvey

British Marathon Champion

Let's get started

For more information, pricing, or to arrange a live baiobit demonstration with one of our consultants, simply complete the contact form below and a member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.

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